Rosetta & Cosetta

Silvia Lemmi and Lara Gallo
July 19, 20
Via Boccaccio, Via del Rivellino, Via Valdracca

Rosetta and Cosetta are two lively and elderly sisters, well-dressed and well-groomed, who love to stroll through the streets of villages, attend parties, listen to beautiful music, window shop, dance with the young, but above all, they adore talking, telling stories, asking questions, chatting, gossiping, and kindly nosing into other people’s business. At first glance, from afar, they don’t stand out as costume artists because they truly appear like two elegant elderly ladies from next door, given their vintage look, very well-crafted makeup, and wigs. However, at the first exchange with the audience, the game is revealed, and laughter arises spontaneously. Elderly by age and gait, dazed to the bone, deaf in one ear, and with inflamed sciatica, they captivate the public with their charm, liveliness, and their tips for better living, conveyed through an overall philosophy blending the healthy common sense of the past (of which they have vague and conflicting memories) with playful humor inspired by their lives. And by yours.

July 19, 20
Times: 9:45 PM, 11 PM

Via Boccaccio, Via del Rivellino, Via Valdracca

Duration: 45 minutes

19 July - 20 July - Theater