
Teatro Blu
July 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Palazzo Pretorio, Garden of the Tea House

“Butterfly” is a Japanese love story—one of the deepest love stories ever conceived. Sensual, erotic, yet sublime. Butterfly is a geisha, an artist of a floating world, who sings, dances, and entertains. The rest is shadow, the rest is secret. The intimate story of Butterfly unfolds, her emotional charge, her purity, and her tireless wait in an exotic atmosphere. Her solitude is the alcove where she dreams of the anticipated encounter with her beloved, an oriental Penelope weaving the threads of an infinite, faithful, devoted love that transcends herself. Cio-cio-san dresses in hope and waits. Waits for the return of her beloved. She is capable of waiting, and her anticipation is filled with joy, naive expectations, dreams in color, encounters that will never happen, embraces, and desires. She has faith, believing that her wait will turn into joy the moment the pennant of a ship, a wisp of smoke, divides the horizon of the sea of Nagasaki in two. Our Butterfly is the celebration of hope on the border between reality and illusion, of maternal affection leading to self-sacrifice for the happiness of others.

July 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Times: 9:45 PM, 10:45 PM
Palazzo Pretorio, Garden of the Tea House

Duration: 45 minutes

17 July - 18 July - 19 July - 20 July - 21 July - Secret Gardens