Bringing Joy

Peter Weyel
July 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Piazza SS. Annunziata

Peter Weyel’s street performance has been touring street theatre festivals across Europe for many years. Seemingly in a bad mood, Peter Weyel presents a fireworks display of artistic performance. The direct contact with the audience, which seems to happen by chance, develops into an overwhelming performance where spectacular tricks are presented unexpectedly and seemingly by accident. A broken plate, a trained tiger, and the latest fashion in underwear make the audience wonder if Peter Weyel is crazy or genius. It is certainly not an ordinary show, but it is undoubtedly a performance that becomes a topic of discussion at every festival and always leaves many spectators enthusiastic.

First prize at the La Strada Festival in Augsburg, first prize at the Bamberger Händchen Festival in Bamberg, first prize at the Gaffenberg Festival in Heilbronn in the Comedy section, first prize at the Gießener Schwätzer Festival in Gießen, and first prize at the Lingener Theo.

July 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Times: 10:15 PM,  11:15 PM

Piazza SS. Annunziata

Duration: 40 minutes

17 July - 18 July - 19 July - 20 July - 21 July - International Companies